SEO Exam Set 5


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How to optimize the headings?

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To attract ____, articles are submitted to article submission directories that are optimized for search engines.

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You can store your links on online bookmarking sites through ____ submission, a form of off-page optimization.

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Which of the following is TRUE about optimizing meta descriptions?

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Your site is submitted to a web directory based on a specific ____.

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There are many links pointing to a particular website, which is called the link ____.

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How to optimize title tags?

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____ are high-powered computers used by web hosts to store your website or web pages.

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The purpose of an SEO-optimized ____ is to introduce your website to search engines and users, as well as provide information on what your website offers.

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By conducting ____ your target audience's queries, you can determine what information they are searching for and the keywords they are using.